Sick Days, Part II
I was trying to be positive about the fact that I hadn't gotten sick while the boy had a bad cold, but within a day or two of my last post I got that familiar prickly feeling in my throat. Fortunately we didn't overlap too much other than watching his cough, although his schedule of activities had to be curtailed. He doesn't seem to mind it really which I find amazing and keeps on plugging along.
I might regret saying this, but I think the transition to the big boy bed is just about complete since he likes being tucked in now! The next challenge is potty training which I have some trepidation about since it's one of those things that doesn't just come to you naturally...teaching it I mean. ;) I try not to listen to horror stories like every other milestone event and think of the situation from his point of view. In the last few months he's shown an aversion to having anything foreign in his pants, so I'm thinking that will probably help.
I feel like I have so much to do around the house, with little projects outnumbering big ones, but that usually is harder for me since I feel so scattered. I think I just have to attack one little thing each day and see how it goes for awhile or it's going to overwhelm me. Even my blogging feels scattered, but I usually feel more focused after I've done an entry. Hopefully that'll hold true today too.
Is Blogger's spellcheck working? Doesn't seem to be fore me. See, I spelled "for" as "fore" just now! I'll have to investigate that, eh? ;)