Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Holidays: Afterword

Note: I've been trying to upload this post for about a day now, but for some reason I couldn't get it to spell check or upload photos. So, I hope it was worth the wait! :)

It's been another long lull in my posting, so I've already broken my 1st New Year's resolution to post more often. That means 2007 is already tainted, but I think I still have time to turn it around. ;) The big news is that we finally got a good batch of snow today after too many days of nothing but yellowing grass. The ski areas have been hit hard, although some were able to make snow since it was cold enough at night. Even though it can be a pain, I really did miss the snow and got a taste of what it might be like if we ever moved someplace without it. I could certainly live without snow, but there is something about truly experiencing all four seasons that leaves me with a feeling of comfort.

Speaking of snow, my wife and I got some great pictures of the boy over the holidays which I am eager to post, but I'll take some time over the next few days to post a few from October, November, and December first. The pictures in this post are from October and I can't believe how much he has grown. The boy is almost exactly 18 months old now and he's really developing a personality. Any ambivalence he had about saying "yes" and "no" from my last post is gone as he definitely asserts his independence. It's gotten to the point that he whines a bit when he doesn't get his way, but it certainly isn't defiant whatsoever. After a minute or a so he's always back to his normal self.

The holidays were a chore, which is kind of a shame, but as I have said to others I wouldn't have it any other way than to experience this time of year with the boy. So, in the end it was a good time, just very different from when it was only my wife and I. Everything takes longer because you have more stuff that needs to travel with you at all times. Just going down to see my in-laws who live 30 minutes away is tiring, so you can probably imagine my thoughts on visiting my own parents who live 5 and a half hours away. Yikes!

In other news, I actually won my fantasy football league which still shocks me three weeks later. Maybe it was because I didn't think about it as much as someone who plays it every year or maybe it was just dumb luck, but winning something always boosts the ego, albeit in a healthy way...unless you start laying down money on the stuff which is pretty ridiculous. The greatest aspect was that I connected with a few other stay at home dads and that's the real reason I joined in the first place.

If I can get back on track with posts, I'll get the boy's most recent pictures up by Monday, but anyone can feel free to bug me about it if I don't make my own deadline. I hope everyone's holidays were safe and happy!


Doug said...

Pfft, resolutions are overrated.

Wow, it's interesting to see how an 18-month old really starts to become a person, and not just an eating, pooping thing.

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